Fantasy Football Christian University Membership
A community of people who love the game, come join us!
Join a growing community of fantasy football players who want to help each other out during the year and ask questions directly to me! I will answer as many as I can every day!

Access to our weekly webinars and more content each week
I will share valuable information for your coming fantasy matchups. And there will be availability for Q & A at the end of each webinar! As well as gaining access to ALL the courses created for the website, with additional weekly daily fantasy content, a $200 value! ALL for the price of $129.99 for 3 months membership!
Just want the community? This is for you!
Have access to ALL aspects that members have with the community! Multiple webinars with content included and Q & A, weekly advice as well as asking the community questions year-round! If you don't need courses, then this is for you! Everything BUT the courses included, as well as a free trial!
Additional benefits of premium members
ALL the content members get, plus so much more! Gain access to behind the scenes of MY fantasy teams! I will share my real teams, explaining what I am looking at, not just mock drafted teams! BUT get more of those as well!