About Fantasy Football Christian University



Hi, I'm Andrew

Fantasy Football Christian University Head Coach and Instructor


After over a decade of playing fantasy football, I decided to help out other people learn how to play and play well. I have won multiple championships almost every year, and now I want to help YOU. I love this game, I have gained so much knowledge over the years, and I have so much to share! I started out not knowing much, and I struggled to really understand how to play, and I want to help you all avoid that! It took me years to play well enough to compete. I want all of you to play and play well! I want you to win and enjoy the game when it is played correctly! It is a fabulous game that has helped me form friendships that will last for a long time. 

Why FantasyFootballCU?


Many people don't know what fantasy football is, or do not know how to play well enough to win. If that is you, then you could benefit greatly from what you could learn here.


We also have a community here to answer any questions and also provide weekly webinars and additional information during the season to help maximize your chances of winning!



                                                        My Fantasy Football finishes last year.

Camp Cupcake- 10 Team PPR

Dad Jokes R How Eye Roll- 10 Team PPR

Midget Boi Greeeeeens- 12 Team Non PPR Keeper

Hip Hop Anonymous- 10 Team Non PPR

 Learn the basics for free!


Not sure if you want to play or if FFCU is right for you? Try a course on us.